Tag Archive for: #DeployementManager

Dynamics 365(CRM) Organization Update Import Failed in perform Action Install of Solution=CustomControlsCore …

We encountered the following error while updating one of our client’s organization from 8.0 to 8.2x. Other organizations got updated without any issue but this one just won’t.

Error| Failed in perform Action Install of Solution=CustomControlsCore, FileName=CustomControls.zip, Version=, Action=Install for OrgId=xxx

Since other organizations are getting updated without a problem we can imagine the issue is with the organization’s database.
After a rigorous googling and getting through a lot of org. import/update issues we fixed the problem as follows:
Problem: Our CRM base language is danish but the SQL user performing org update has default language English…
Solution: change the user’s default language to danish as is of CRM.
To find user’s default language simple open SQL_Management_Studio and under Security select properties of the user and the default language will be shown in the bottom and simply change it to one which is of CRM, or run SQL:
SELECT default_language_name
FROM sys.server_principals
WHERE name = '<user>'

To find available language name in SQL server:
SELECT name,alias FROM sys.syslanguages WHERE name = '<user>'

To set the default language for the user:
Exec sp_defaultlanguage ‘<user>’,'<languageName>’

Try updating organization from Deployment Manager and it would go smooth 🙂